Showroom Event's

Ramanathapuram 25th Anniversary Celebration.

Celebrating 25 years of innovation and service, James & co has been the cornerstone of the community, providing cutting-edge electronics and exceptional customer service since 1997. As we mark this silver jubilee, we reflect on our journey from a small local shop to a thriving retail destination, thanks to our loyal customers and dedicated team.

Our store has always been more than just a place to buy gadgets; it’s a hub where technology enthusiasts can explore the latest trends and find solutions that enrich their lives. Over the years, we’ve adapted to the ever-changing tech landscape, ensuring that our customers always have access to the best products and advice.

Thank you for being an integral part of our story. 🎉🎈

James & Co Slogan Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the James&Co Slogan Contest! Your clever wordplay and creative flair have earned you the spotlight. Each winning entry captured the essence of our brand with brevity and wit, standing out among a sea of submissions.

Our champions will not only have their slogans featured in our upcoming campaigns but will also receive exclusive prizes as a token of our appreciation. We’re excited to showcase these catchy slogans that are sure to resonate with our audience and embody the spirit of James&Co.

Thank you to all participants for making this contest a resounding success. Stay tuned for more creative challenges ahead! 🏆🎉